


Roarquery is a command-line interface for querying ROAR data in Google Cloud Firestore. It has several subcommands, which are listed below.

roarquery [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



Show the version and exit.

Useful definitions:
- trial: a single stimulus/response pair
- run: globally unique collection of successive trials.
This constitute “running” through the task one time.
- corpus: A named and immutable collection of stimuli
- block: A portion of a run whose stimuli are drawn from only one corpus.
- task: the activity or assessment that was performed in a run (e.g. SWR, PA, SRE, etc.)
- task-variant: a specification of the task, e.g. adaptive vs. random; 1 vs 3 blocks
- school, district, class: all assume the standard meaning
- study: a collection of runs associated with a research project


Return ROAR runs matching certain query parameters.

The options described below can be combined to return runs that match all of the specified query parameters.

b Arguments:

OUTPUT FILENAME Path to the output file to which to save runs/trials.




Return trials from the legacy database



--roar-uid <roar_uid>#

Return only runs for the user with this ROAR UID.

--pid-prefix <pid_prefix>#

Return only runs for users with this prefix.

--task-id <task_id>#

Return only runs for this task.

--study-id <study_id>#

Return only runs for this study. Only supported in the legacy database.

--variant-id <variant_id>#

Return only runs for this variant.

--district-id <district_id>#

Return only runs for this district.

--school-id <school_id>#

Return only runs for this school.

--class-id <class_id>#

Return only runs with this class.

--group-id <group_id>#

Return only runs with this group. Only supported in the current database.


Require all runs to be completed.



--started-before <started_before>#

Return only runs started before this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

--started-after <started_after>#

Return only runs started after this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.


Return the trials for each run as well.

--root-doc <root_doc>#

The Firestore root document. Returned runs will all be under this document.



Required argument


Return trials for the “swr” task in the “validation” study.

roarquery runs --task-id=swr --study-id=validation --return-trials trials.csv

Return runs for the “sre” task in the “sd” district that started after 2021-05-10.

roarquery runs --task-id=sre --district-id=sd --started-after=2021-05-10 runs.csv